Industrial capacity, a key factor for customer service
It is undeniable that 2020 has been a difficult year. Many companies have been forced to change the services they offer to their customers because of the difficulties caused by the pandemic. This, that was initially conceived as a one-off contingency plan, ends up affecting customer service on a permanent basis, creating a sense of permanent insecurity that is very difficult to reverse.
The covid-19 has been a turning point in the industry, harshly attacking all sectors. This has meant that we have all had to adapt to the situation. However, not all of us have done so by putting customer satisfaction first on the list of priorities.
At Raloe it was clear to us from the very beginning that we could not stop for a minute. To be there when our customers need it was an obligation. That is why we never stopped offering our services during these months, guaranteeing, above all, the safety and quality of the service. Achieving this would not have been possible without a powerful industrial capacity.
Industrial capacity is one of the most important factors in our sector. A company can have the best intentions and a sincere vocation for customer service. However, without an industrial “muscle” to back this up, everything would be just good intentions that do not translate into facts.
The industrial power of Raloe is based on our experience, the work of continuous improvement and the innovative spirit of our workers. This expertise helps us day by day not only to have a high production capacity but also in the research and innovation process of our elevators, managing, in this way, to anticipate the possible needs that may arise.
Because offering a service that is as close to the customer’s needs as possible is essential to us. Listening, understanding and adapting to their needs. For this reason, although we are fully aware that the situation is not the most suitable, we like to invite our partners to visit our facilities in person, so that you yourselves can “see and touch” our products and you can see from where and how we work.
Finally, it is important to stress that our relationship does not end with the delivery of a product or its components: the after-sales service brings us together again. This 2020 we have worked on improving our service with the aim of accompanying our customers from the moment of assembly of the products to their start-up and life cycle. We want to be there from start to finish. And that is just the first step.
Being totally focused on continuous improvement, having an industrial capacity in line with the needs of the sector and putting the customer at the centre of the equation, is the way forward to achieve the best results. To travel this road together is the best way to reach the destination.
We will continue working in this direction to make 2021 an even better year.